#REQUIRED CONFIG BOT_TOKEN = "1616037641:AAEReiG3CcMFY7_R3xpTi0zyKqLha3wUPsU" GDRIVE_FOLDER_ID = "0ACaxFSemYFGYUk9PVA" OWNER_ID = 5161912359 DOWNLOAD_DIR = "/usr/src/KUCING/downloads" DOWNLOAD_STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 20 AUTO_DELETE_MESSAGE_DURATION = 10 IS_TEAM_DRIVE = "True" TELEGRAM_API = 1046625 TELEGRAM_HASH = "c68afc924b92d73ce27708b155f1e5b4" # BASE_URL_OF_BOT = "https://gekarya1234.herokuapp.com" # Web Link, Required for (Heroku) to avoid sleep or use worker if you don't want to use web (selection) TIMEZONE = "Asia/Jakarta" # OPTIONAL CONFIG # DATABASE_URL = "postgres://qvhjosgv:vZwSGUkEvSMR0qIRe661ThW-TvZYoics@jelani.db.elephantsql.com/qvhjosgv" TORRENT_TIMEOUT = 1000 EXTENTION_FILTER = ".srt .jpeg .db .odt .ssa .exe .html .htm .json .txt .php .gif .png .lnk .torrent .url .nfo .xml .xhtml .jpg" BLOCK_TOR = "" AUTHORIZED_CHATS = "-1001343300017" # Split by space INCOMPLETE_TASK_NOTIFIER = "True" SUDO_USERS = "" # Split by space IGNORE_PENDING_REQUESTS = "True" USE_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS = "True" INDEX_URL = "https://lite.fitrianto.biz.id" STATUS_LIMIT = "5" # Recommended limit is 4 # UPTOBOX_TOKEN = "d39c562a7d9d13a5be508823b29462858jc93" # APPDRIVE_EMAIL = "cerminbot@gmail.com" # APPDRIVE_PASS = "sopaten07" BLOCK_MEGA_FOLDER = "True" BLOCK_MEGA_LINKS = "False" STOP_DUPLICATE = "False" RECURSIVE_SEARCH = "False" # Fill True or False to search in sub-folders or not (only for shared-drive ID or root, you can't use it with folder ID) SHORTENER = "" SHORTENER_API = "" UPSTREAM_REPO = "https://gitlab.com/fitrianto.f/wzml-heroku" UPSTREAM_BRANCH = "master" # Leech TG_SPLIT_SIZE = "" # leave it empty for max size (2GB), or add size in bytes AS_DOCUMENT = "" EQUAL_SPLITS = "" CUSTOM_FILENAME = "" # qBittorrent IS_VPS = "" # Don't set this to True even if you're using VPS, unless facing error with web server SERVER_PORT = "" # Only For VPS even if IS_VPS is False GDTOT CRYPT = "dTlYTVRGR2hwTTZmVGEvL2xYZTRDTmNsRUttbTZDdkF1T1dsSlc2cnAxUT0%3D%3D" PHPSESSID = "rjsav4uheaq1po59o5s091j91l" MEGA_API_KEY = "R8QixLCQ" MEGA_EMAIL_ID = "cerminbot@gmail.com" MEGA_PASSWORD = "sopaten07" UNIFIED_EMAIL = "babloow.bdn@gmail.com" UNIFIED_PASS = "corona@2020ind" # GDTOT #CRYPT = "N1AzQnZIcUV2eXNLZEJHcmxTTm9lSUt0d3FScHJRcjBYSENKK09KY2FMZz0%3D" # HUBDRIVE HUBDRIVE_CRYPT = "N2JQQXdrSG1pY3AwVFNJaTREZ2toVThMRi9iclJwWWdVV3N6UXB1Q1FFMD0%3D" # (KATDRIVE + KOLOP + DRIVEHUB) KATDRIVE_CRYPT = "L1Z2aUN6MENYdkZTV2FWVzlEblZLcDYzV05KUVN2WWRDaEdOY2JVRjZmRT0%3D" TITLE_NAME = "@MesinPencariBot" AUTHOR_NAME = "@MesinPencariBot" AUTHOR_URL = "https://t.meMesinPencariBot" GD_INFO = "@MesinPencariBot" CREDIT_NAME = "@MesinPencariBot" #TURN ON/OFF FUCTIONS l LEECH_ENABLED = "true" #Default is False (only use by owner/sudo) Make it True (for authorized chats) MIRROR_ENABLED = "true" #Default is False (only use by owner/sudo) Make it True (for authorized chats) WATCH_ENABLED = "true" #Default is False (only use by owner/sudo) Make it True (for authorized chats) CLONE_ENABLED = "true" #Default is False (only use by owner/sudo) Make it True (for authorized chats) ANILIST_ENABLED = "true" #Default is False (only use by owner/sudo) Make it True (for authorized chats) WAYBACK_ENABLED = "true" #Default is False (only use by owner/sudo) Make it True (for authorized chats) MEDIAINFO_ENABLED = "true" #Default is False (only use by owner/sudo) Make it True (for authorized chats) SET_BOT_COMMANDS = "true" CMD_INDEX = "" # RSS RSS_DELAY = "" RSS_COMMAND = "" RSS_CHAT_ID = "" USER_STRING_SESSION = "" # If you want to use Credentials externally from Index Links, fill these vars with the direct links # These are optional, if you don't know about them, simply leave them empty ACCOUNTS_ZIP_URL = "https://gitlab.com/fitrianto.f/cfd/-/raw/main/accounts.zip" TOKEN_PICKLE_URL = "" MULTI_SEARCH_URL = "" # You can use gist raw link (remove commit id from the link, like config raw link check Heroku guide) # To use limit don't add unit. Default unit is GB. TORRENT_DIRECT_LIMIT = "" ZIP_UNZIP_LIMIT = "" CLONE_LIMIT = "" MEGA_LIMIT = "" # View Link button to open file Index Link in browser instead of direct download link # You can figure out if it's compatible with your Index code or not, open any video from you Index and check if its URL ends with ?a=view, if yes fill True it will work (Compatible with Bhadoo Drive Index) VIEW_LINK = "False" # Add more buttons (Three buttons are already added including Drive Link, Index Link, and View Link, you can add extra buttons too, these are optional) # If you don't know what are below entries, simply leave them empty BUTTON_FOUR_NAME = "" BUTTON_FOUR_URL = "" BUTTON_FIVE_NAME = "" BUTTON_FIVE_URL = "" BUTTON_SIX_NAME = "" BUTTON_SIX_URL = "" # QBittorrent Search Plugins, remove/add plugins as u want with raw github links SEARCH_API_LINK = "http://api.jmdkh.eu.org" SEARCH_PLUGINS = '["https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/master/nova3/engines/rarbg.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/master/nova3/engines/piratebay.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/master/nova3/engines/legittorrents.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/master/nova3/engines/limetorrents.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/master/nova3/engines/torrentscsv.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/master/nova3/engines/zooqle.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qbittorrent/search-plugins/master/nova3/engines/eztv.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MaurizioRicci/qBittorrent_search_engines/master/kickass_torrent.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MaurizioRicci/qBittorrent_search_engines/master/yts_am.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MadeOfMagicAndWires/qBit-plugins/master/engines/linuxtracker.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MadeOfMagicAndWires/qBit-plugins/master/engines/nyaasi.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LightDestory/qBittorrent-Search-Plugins/master/src/engines/ettv.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LightDestory/qBittorrent-Search-Plugins/master/src/engines/glotorrents.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LightDestory/qBittorrent-Search-Plugins/master/src/engines/thepiratebay.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nindogo/qbtSearchScripts/master/magnetdl.py", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/khensolomon/leyts/master/yts.py"]'